The Action Required widget is a notification system to let you know when action is needed on your part within the DTN TIMS system. When you select this pane, the Action Items window opens. You can view all active and archived alerts.
Here are the different Action Required items:
Alert Type | What it means | Resolution |
Forecast Range Exceeded on Schedule | The system has received pipeline schedule data that exceeds a forecasts forecasted days. This alert allows the system to automatically extend the forecasted days of the forecast so that the pipeline schedule data can be included. | Opens the Forecast Configuration page to allow you to adjust your forecast. |
New Pipeline Location | The system has received a new pipeline location. This alert allows the user to automatically configure the location into the system. | Opens the Pipeline Terminal Association wizard to allow you to add or dismiss the new Pipeline Location. |
Managing Action Required alerts
To resolve the alert, select the link within the Details column. This link takes you to the appropriate page in DTN TIMS to resolve the issue, and moves the alert to the Archived Alerts tab.
Selecting the x icon on Active Alerts moves it to the Archived Alerts tab, and the x icon for an Archived Alert removes it from the system.