Location: Dashboard > Overview or Historical or Inventory There are 2 different ways to export your results. First way: Select the Export icon. This exports your data as a PDF. Only the visible data on screen displays in the PDF. Second way: For the pane you’d like to export, select the Dashlet Actions icon. Go to Export As > PDF or Export As > Data to Excel.
Change graph and table views
Location: Dashboard > Historical or Inventory With any graph, you can change the data to a table view. Here is how: Hover over the pane and select the Dashlet Actions icon. Select View Selector > Table. To change back, select View Selector > Combo.
Maximize/minimize report panes
Location: Dashboard > Overview or Historical or Inventory Hover over the pane you’d like to maximize or minimize. Select the Maximize icon. To set back to the original view, select the Minimize icon.
Clear your filters
Location: Dashboard > Overview or Historical or Inventory You can either clear individual filters, or clear all filters. Clear individual filters: Hover over the active filters under the report name. Select X. Clear all filters: When you clear your filters, it resets your report to the original report defaults. Select the refresh button.
Set report filters
Location: Dashboard > Overview or Historical or Inventory There are 2 different ways to filter within your reports. First way: Within your report, highlight the data you’d like to drill into by dragging your mouse over the applicable information. Second way: Select the Filters icon. Enter your applicable filters. To go back once a filter is selected, click the header name of the
View different reports
Location: Dashboard > Overview or Historical or Inventory There are 3 different ways to view reports. First way: From the Dashboard menu, select either Overview, Historical, or Inventory. The default report for that menu displays. Second way: On either the Historical or Inventory page, select the drop down arrow next to Reports to select the Collection. Select the drop down menu on the report name to select a different report. Third way: On either
Dashboard interface
Here are some common icons you will see on the dashboard: Icon Name Definition Export Exports your data as a .PDF Only the visible data on screen displays in the PDF. To Export all of your data in a report, click the Dashlet Action arrow and select Export As > Data to Excel. Filters Allows