Alert Maintenance tasks

Add an Alert Location:  Settings  >  Alert Maintenance   Before you add any alerts, be sure to have your Contact Devices established first. From the Alert Maintenance page, select Add Alert. Choose the Alert type. Select the Contact Device. Depending on the Alert type selected, you may have to choose a Detail Level. Options are: Ticket: Receive an alert for the Service Ticket. Location: Receive

Alert Maintenance

You can establish Alerts in DTN TIMS® to notify you via email or text for any Minimum/Maximum Inventory Limits outside of your set thresholds, or Missing Data Ticket and Data Validation Ticket information. When you set up a Missing Data or Data Validation Alert, you can set it by Location or Ticket. Ticket: You receive an alert for each

Terminal Min Max Limits overview

Term Definition Reset Filter(s) Resets the filters on the Terminal Min Max Limit search results. Add Allows you to add a new parameter for Min Max Limits. Start Date Indicates the date the Terminal Min Max Limit was set to begin. End Date Identifies the date the Terminal Min Max Limit was set to end.

Add/Edit MinMax Configuration interface

This window appears after the Add button is selected. Term Definition Terminal Read Only. Lists the terminal associated with the Partner or User Group selected. Product Read Only. Shows the product associated with the Partner or User Group and Terminal selected. Type Read Only. For internal purposes only. Start Date List the date you’d like the Terminal Min

Terminal Min Max Limits interface

Term Definition Reset Filter(s) Resets the filters on the Terminal Min Max Limit search results. Add Allows you to add a new parameter for Min Max Limits. Start Date Indicates the date the Terminal Min Max Limit was set to begin. End Date Identifies the date the Terminal Min Max Limit was set to end.

Managing User Groups

Location:  Settings  >  Preferences Before you assign a User Group, you must first create it under Settings > User Groups. Once that’s complete: Under User Groups, select a User Group from the list, or start typing to narrow down to the user group. Click on the User Group name. You can add multiple User Groups to your account. Click Save.

Set your time zone

Location:  Settings  >  Preferences Here’s how to change your Time Zone: From the Preferences page, type or find your Time Zone in the drop-down menu.       2. Select one of the following: This Session: Changes your time zone until you log out of the system. An example of when you would select this is when

Key definitions for Preferences

Terms Definition User Name, First Name, Last Name Email Phone Read Only. Displays your contact information. If you need to make any adjustments, please contact Customer Support. Time Zone Set your Time Zone. You can also select: This Session: Stores and applies your Time Zone for the current session, and resets to your Permanent Time Zone after you

Add a Truck Forecast Override

Location:  Settings  >  Forecast    If you want to add a Truck Forecast Override, here’s how to do so: From the Forecast Settings page, select the Forecast Configuration you’d like to view. Find the day you wish to add a Truck Forecast Override and select the Edit icon . Select + Add Truck Forecast Override. Enter the following details: Item Description Item Description Override

Forecast interface

The Forecast Configuration table lists all Partner/Termina/Product combinations that have been setup for forecasting.  Be sure to setup User Groups and Terminal Minx Max Limits before creating a Forecast Configuration. Field Definition Partner Lists the partner you’ve configured for your forecast. Terminal Shows the Terminal name. Product Displays the product code. Historical Days Indicates how