Here are some common icons you will see on the dashboard:

Icon Name Definition
Export Exports your data as a .PDF

 Only the visible data on screen displays in the PDF. To Export all of your data in a report, click the Dashlet Action arrow and select Export As > Data to Excel.


Allows you to select your filters for the report. The number next to the filter icon indicates how many filters are active.

Refresh Clears all active filters in your report.
Dashboards menu Allows you to navigate to different reports within the Dashboard.
Dashlet Actions Dashlet Actions includes two options:

  • View Selector: Only available on some panes – this option allows you to select Combo (graph and table) or Table.

  • Export As: Options include PDF or Data to Excel.

Maximize/Minimize You can maximize or minimize specific panes in the report.
Category: Dashboard