User Groups

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User Groups overview

User Groups allow you to add terminal and product combinations into a group. The Dashboard only displays the terminal/product combinations within these groups. Use Groups must be assigned under Settings > Preferences in order to display.


You can use the User Groups page to:

  • Create User Groups

  • Edit existing User Groups you’ve created

  • View other User Groups created within your company




User Groups interface



Reset Filter(s) Clears any filters you have set in your User Groups table.
Add User Groups Allows you to add a new User Group.
Group Name Lists the unique User Group name you setup when adding a User Group.
Group Type Options include:


Terminal-Product Group: Combination of terminal locations and products that are configured under the Maintenance menu.

Pipeline-Product Group: Combination of pipeline segments and products that are configured under the Maintenance menu.

Group Owner Lists who created the User Group. Only the owner can edit the User Group, and products associated with the User Group.
Active If selected, this indicates that the User Group is active. Only the Group Owner can activate/deactivate a User Group.
Edit icon Allows you to edit the User Group. Only the Group Owner can edit the User Group.




Add/Edit User Group interface

This window appears after the Add User Group button is selected.




Group Name Required. Lets you create a unique name for your User Group.
Group Type Required. Options include:


Terminal-Product Group: Combination of terminal locations and products.

Pipeline-Product Group: Combination of pipeline segments and products.


You cannot mix Terminal-Product and Pipeline-Product in a User Group.

Active Select if you’d like this User Group to be active in your system. Reasons to inactivate a User Group include reassignment of terminal/product responsibilities to other users or groups.
Partner Required. Lists all partners available in your system.
Terminal or Pipeline Required. Based on Partner selected, lists all available terminals or pipelines associated with that partner.
Add Adds the Partner/Terminal or Partner/Pipeline combination to your User Group. Once this combination is added, you’re able to associate products to each combination in the User Group.
Delete icon  Allows you to delete the associated Partner/Terminal or Partner/Pipeline combination from the User Group.
Add icon  Allows you to associate products to the Partner/Terminal or Partner/Pipeline combination. When selected, the Associate Products window appears.
Save Saves your user group. If you have no products assigned to a Partner/Terminal or Partner/Pipeline combination, a warning message appears, and you are unable to save until a product is associated to the created combination.
Cancel Cancels any additions/changes you made. A confirmation window appears before cancelling your progress.




Associate Products interface

This window appears after the Add icon is selected in the Add/Edit User Groups window.


  You can only add and remove products to User Groups you created.




Supplier Your company.
Partner Lists the partner that you’re associating products to.
Name Name of the terminal or pipeline that you’re associated products to.
Available Products Lists all available products for that Partner/Terminal or Partner/Pipeline combination that have yet to be assigned. You can Search, and select multiple products by holding the CTRL button. To select all products, click the first product, and then CTRL+A. Drag and drop selected products to Assigned Products.
Assigned Products Products that have already been assigned to the Partner/Terminal or Partner/Pipeline combination. You can remove any assigned products by dragging and dropping selected products to Available Products.
Close Once you have products assigned, close out of the window to save your changes.




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